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:tochka: Facepunch is preparing a new skin for the game's buildings, similar to Adobe. There was an earlier post about developing buildings from branches, but this idea was abandoned. There is no information yet on what type of buildings were used for the new skin.

:tochka: Will make changes to the game related to C4. Now it will be possible to set the frequency of explosion distance of C4 directly in the inventory or holding it in your hands.

:tochka: During the hack weeks, the developers worked on the Caldera Biome - a new biome with lava formations.

:tochka: New cinematic gestures will be added for the character.

:tochka: Bradley said that you shouldn't target players who are in the safe zone. Also, if a player is targeted and enters the safe zone, Bradley will stop targeting them, although this can take up to 2 seconds.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (5)

  1. Kiolyt3
    Bradley? What is this?
  2. Kiolyt3
    Thank you
  3. 42 БРАТУХА
    I hope there won't be a biome for pvp
  4. 42 БРАТУХА
    Well, on official sites