Latest news from the fields of Rust!

Latest news from the fields of Rust!

:kv:Nuclear missile bunker
In the AUX2 branch, the Nuclear Missile Silo is now available for testing! Much is still in development, with some features not yet added. However, we can see not only the layout of this new RT with its dungeons and missile, but also a look at the newest NPC model - the NVGM Scientist.

With all this unfinished work, the features are limited and everything is subject to change 10 times. There is no loot or radiation at the moment, but you can open a hatch using a button in one of the small buildings above ground. Be careful, it only opens for about 30 seconds before closing again.

Once you jump into the hatch, you can explore a few levels down next to a large rocket under the hatch. In addition to the 10 new NVGM scientists, you'll find living quarters, bathrooms, computer labs, and more. Then, once you reach the bottom level, you'll find a room with warheads, barrels, a truck, and computer racks. To escape, you'll need to get your hands on a blue keycard. Based on the commits, it looks like some additional features are in the works as well.

Also interesting, but still unclear, is that this RT will apparently provide some additional information about Rust's history. A few years ago, the devs even talked about some kind of player-triggered nuclear devastation event... So who knows what this RT might actually be for!

If you want to explore it yourself, just switch to the AUX2:Steam Library branch, right click Rust [staging], click properties, betas tab and select AUX2 from the list, then run the client update).

:kv:Skins can no longer be disabled
In more controversial news, a commit this week meant that players can no longer disable workshop skins. This means that all players will now be able to see what cosmetic skins people are wearing. Previously, many players chose to disable this feature to negate any potential benefits that different cosmetic skins might have.

However, the developers note that skins are part of the default gameplay experience, and it is important to ensure that they are not disabled to keep the gameplay the same. Regardless of your view on this, you can expect this to be rolled out with the update and forced wipe on May 4.

:kv:Rust+ Changes
There are some changes coming to the way Rust+ works. Here's a quick rundown:
The range at which Rust+ cameras can see players will be reduced.
Allow Rust+ cameras to only see the names of players who are near the camera.
A parameter will be introduced for private servers to control the above ranges.

:kv:Building skins
More work this week on the 3rd branch building skins. Rumor has it that this will be an upcoming DLC ​​that will allow you to change the look of your real bases. According to the commits, there will be some kind of brutalist skin along with brick and stone block. We'll keep you posted as more is revealed.

:kv:Other changes:
More work on the mission editor
Work on attack helicopter continues
More work on deployable quarries
Work is underway to add a menu option to switch between using Steam nicknames for friends.
Added the ability to change the radial menu from hold to toggle mode so it works on trackpads.
Fixed an issue where the pumpkin would be placed on your head when you right clicked it in your inventory.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (3)

  1. земляничка
    They say that RT will give a bit of a plot (history, what and how)
  2. Ashley
    And I'm because of the arrow in my ass