Latest news from the fields:

Latest news from the fields:
✅Active work is underway on the military base: new textures, new clothes for bots, new models of tents, objects, barriers are being developed.
✅The MLRS installation will be located at this base. It will be available for use by players, it will not be an NPC!
✅When boarding the MLRS vehicle, you will be able to choose two angles of inclination of the missile launcher, the rotation of the missile system is balanced, and when dismounting, the MLRS weapon platform will rotate to the zero position.
✅Now, if you build too close to the RT, a notification will be displayed in the chat or console (it is not yet known exactly), for example: ""It is impossible to build so close to the Bandit Town"".
✅Fixed incorrect operation of speakers included in the chain from the boombox.
✅Added a new trigger that disables the boat from sticking to the ship, you can't just swim up and calmly climb onto the ship. Now when dismounting you can feel like Dominic Toretto!
✅In the camper, the ability to access the box and barbecue from the outside has been removed!
✅The physical weight of the camper module has been increased from 340 to 400, which will greatly affect your movement speed with such a module!
✅The sleeping bag is being redefined, the prefab has been renamed and moved, as preparations are underway to implement the sleeping area into the camper module (more information for mapmakers).
✅Now, when crawling, you are given 3 seconds to open or close the door in your house!
✅A little information for those who haven't heard about the new effects with Razer RGB mice. Now your condition will be broadcast as a light effect on the mouse, for example, when frozen it will glow blue, when injured - red, when critically injured (knocked out) - flashing red. All effects can be redefined and reassigned in the settings or through the console!

News provider: RustRu


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