Get Steam skins for playing on our servers!

Skin giveaway on Steam! Just enter your trade link and add a note to your in-game nickname.

Black Boots
Black Boots
KID | Ymedok1 Prostoj
KID | Ymedok1 Prostoj
45 RUB
Target Practice T-Shirt
Target Practice T-Shirt
38 RUB
Cuda87 Hoodie
Cuda87 Hoodie
imNosok Prostoj
imNosok Prostoj
52 RUB
Forest Camo Bandana
Forest Camo Bandana
21 RUB
Snow Camo Bandana
Snow Camo Bandana
Guru Prostoj
Guru Prostoj
35 RUB
Facepunch TShirt
Facepunch TShirt
Isa_kakao Prostoj
Isa_kakao Prostoj
24 RUB
Black Hoodie
Black Hoodie
КИRЮША Prostoj
КИRЮША Prostoj
44 RUB
Target Practice T-Shirt
Target Practice T-Shirt
Shadow Slayer Prostoj
Shadow Slayer Prostoj
38 RUB
Facepunch TShirt
Facepunch TShirt
[Loli] Sanyrd Prostoj
[Loli] Sanyrd Prostoj
24 RUB
Wrapped Chest Plate
Wrapped Chest Plate
[20:31] L E M O N 4 I KProstoj
[20:31] L E M O N 4 I KProstoj
51 RUB

Как это работает?

The distribution of Rust skins takes place approximately every 60 minutes among all participants on the server.

Login to the site via Steam
Enter your Trade-URL.
Add a postscript to your nickname "Prostoj"
Play on the server and win skins!

How to receive skins?

You choose the skins in your profile yourself - you can withdraw them immediately or save up for cooler ones!

You have won the drawing
The funds have been credited to your balance.
Conclusion skin
Select a skin in your profiles
Wait trade
The trade will arrive within 10 minutes.


  • You can find your trade link in Steam Inventory » Trade Offers » Who can send me trade offers?
    1. The skins are raffled off on the servers every ~60 minutes among all participants.
    2. The skin giveaway will be cancelled if there are not at least 20 players online on the server.
    3. You must have a postscript in your nickname Prostoj (Example: ept Prostoj)
  • If the skin has not arrived, the funds will be returned to your account, after which you can withdraw the skin again.
  • No, the distribution is completely random. The price of the item received is always different, from 20 to 120 rubles
  • Unlike Twitch Drops skins, you can do whatever you want with these skins! Sell, exchange, save!