New Features of Rust: Ping and Map Marking System

The developers are working hard to improve the game Rust and introduce new features for players. One of the main innovations is the system of pings and marks on the map, which will help improve teamwork and coordination in the game.

The ping system will allow players to mark specific locations on the map with markers that will only be visible to their team. This will greatly facilitate communication and help clarify locations in firefights and other situations.

In addition to pings, players will also be able to add permanent markers to the map. These markers will not disappear over time like pings and will be available to all team members. Players will be able to choose an icon, color, and name them to better navigate the map.

The new feature, which was accidentally available on the open branch aux02, is still in development. The developers continue to actively work on improving it and plan to make many changes before the final release. There is no release date for this feature yet, but it will definitely appear in the next updates.

Stay up to date with the latest changes and innovations in the game Rust and do not miss the chance to use new features for more successful adventures in this exciting world of survival.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (4)

  1. Mr.Don-PadLo
  2. oleshaads
    I've wanted this for a long time