New Rust Game Update: Velocity and Incendiary Ammo Added to Mixing Table

The latest update to Rust has introduced a very interesting change that will definitely please many players. Now the ability to craft high-velocity and incendiary ammo has been added to the mixing table. This opens up new possibilities for server battles.

High-velocity rounds have increased flight speed, making them ideal for long-range shooting. Incendiary rounds, on the other hand, have the ability to set targets on fire, which allows for additional damage and leaving traces of fire on the territory.

New ammo can be obtained by mixing the required resources in a mixing table. This approach allows players to control the crafting process and avoid unnecessary resource expenditure.

The addition of high-velocity and incendiary ammo to Rust is an interesting move by the developers, which will make combat encounters even more varied and exciting. It also gives players the opportunity to experiment with different strategies and tactics in battles with other players.

Rest assured that the new high-velocity and incendiary rounds will be a popular addition to Rust and add a new twist to the already exciting gameplay.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (1)

  1. SanchoysBancho
    The most useless thing they could have added