New fixes and changes
New fixes and changes
The latest update to Rust has introduced a number of fixes and changes that will significantly impact the gameplay. In this article, we will look at the major updates and how they impact the gameplay experience.
Improved AI bot behavior
Bots in Rust can now listen to players and differentiate between different levels of player noise. This means that it will be even more important for players to be quiet when sneaking up on bots and even animals. This will increase the elements of realism and the required tact in the game.
Helipad for desert base
Now in the desert base, players will find a model of a helipad. This is a great addition that will add new opportunities for game strategies and tactics. The new desert base will be a combat arena where players will be able to engage in a battle for control of the helipad.
Fewer underwater laboratories
The update also decided to reduce the number of underwater laboratories. This means that players will face fewer opponents and will have more time to explore and prepare for battles.
Increasing the distance between laboratories
Another change that has happened in the game Rust is the increase in the distance between laboratories. Now players will have to travel a greater distance to reach the next laboratory. This will create more difficult conditions and will require more resources and tact from players.
To learn more about the latest updates in the Rust game, you can visit the official community club at . There you will find all the news about the game, updates and will be able to communicate with other players.
News provider: RustRu
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