The February update is out this evening, bringing drones, a Hapis update, a simplified game mode, balance changes, and free skins from streamers.
• Drones in the game! For now, their functionality is limited to delivering items - you will be able to remotely buy items from vending machines using special stations at the scientist outpost or bandit camp.
• Softcore game mode - new servers with a simplified version of vanilla gameplay will appear in the game. Here are the features of this mode:
- You can't take more than 4 players per team
— No more than 4 players can be logged into the closet.
- You can respawn at a scientist outpost or bandit camp (doesn't work if you are temporarily considered a hostile player by the safe zone)
— After death, half of your items are available for return at the outpost or camp. This is done through a special container with the sign "RECLAIM". Only half of the items are saved, and the armor is completely lost. You have 2 hours to return the lost loot, after which it disappears.
Softcore does not replace the regular game mode, it will have separate servers. This is an experiment and the rules of the game may change in the future.
• Big Hapis update - after a long time, the map received a new update. New roads, fishing villages, underground tunnels appeared, the winter biome was improved and more.
• The developers have fixed the ability to sleep on monuments to regenerate loot. Now if you try to sleep, for example, on an oil rig in a room with loot or on any other monument with puzzles, when the loot is restored, all sleeping players within a certain radius will be killed.
This will prevent players from disconnecting from the server any more, so that the monument will start counting down to the restoration of items faster. This was especially often used on oil rigs.
• It is no longer possible to make stashes with buried loot under foundations. If this happens, everything hidden will fall to the surface.
The February update is out this evening, bringing drones, a Hapis update, a simplified game mode, balance changes, and free skins from streamers.
• Drones in the game! For now, their functionality is limited to delivering items - you will be able to remotely buy items from vending machines using special stations at the scientist outpost or bandit camp.
• Softcore game mode - new servers with a simplified version of vanilla gameplay will appear in the game. Here are the features of this mode:
- You can't take more than 4 players per team
— No more than 4 players can be logged into the closet.
- You can respawn at a scientist outpost or bandit camp (doesn't work if you are temporarily considered a hostile player by the safe zone)
— After death, half of your items are available for return at the outpost or camp. This is done through a special container with the sign "RECLAIM". Only half of the items are saved, and the armor is completely lost. You have 2 hours to return the lost loot, after which it disappears.
Softcore does not replace the regular game mode, it will have separate servers. This is an experiment and the rules of the game may change in the future.
• Big Hapis update - after a long time, the map received a new update. New roads, fishing villages, underground tunnels appeared, the winter biome was improved and more.
• The developers have fixed the ability to sleep on monuments to regenerate loot. Now if you try to sleep, for example, on an oil rig in a room with loot or on any other monument with puzzles, when the loot is restored, all sleeping players within a certain radius will be killed.
This will prevent players from disconnecting from the server any more, so that the monument will start counting down to the restoration of items faster. This was especially often used on oil rigs.
• It is no longer possible to make stashes with buried loot under foundations. If this happens, everything hidden will fall to the surface.
News provider: RustRu
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