⚠ UPDATE, WIPE AND TWITCH DROPS ALREADY TODAY AT 22:00 MSK! Underground tunnels and trains, slot machines and more

⚠ UPDATE, WIPE AND TWITCH DROPS ALREADY TODAY AT 22:00 MSK! Underground tunnels and trains, slot machines and more.

Trains and Underground Tunnels are here. Take advantage of a completely new way to move around the map with new train tracks that can be accessed via stations located near most monuments. But as you head down, remember that you won't be alone.

The tunnels are filled with local wanderers armed with M39s and Berettas. You will definitely encounter them in the corridors and tunnels themselves, where NPC ambushes with barricades will be located on some sections of the path.

Slot machines (aka "one-armed bandits") have been added to bandit camps.
You can find them there in the amount of three pieces. Each spin costs 2 scrap metal, and for any combination of 3 identical icons you will receive a certain amount of scrap metal.

If you're especially lucky, you might even hit the jackpot, which will reward you with 1,500 scrap metal!

Server Browser Tweaks - The developers have made some adjustments to how it works. It now doesn't initially look for any empty servers, allowing it to find more full ones.

Minor changes to procedural maps - the Scientist Outpost will no longer spawn in the winter biome, and electrical substations near roads no longer emit radiation.

• Today at 22:00 Moscow time, a new Twitch Drops will begin. The list of participants this time: bnans, Blooprint, deathwingua, Ricoy, Albin, r00t9r, Swales, shroud, Willjum, iRisk, TwinkleCave and Vice Versa Games. A separate post will be written about this closer to the above-mentioned time with all the details.

The server update will be released about 10-20 minutes before the scheduled time, so that the servers can go to the update and wipe in time. The client, dev blog and trailer will be released exactly at 22:00 Moscow time. The wipe will only affect maps, but your server may have its own schedule for blueprint wipes.

News provider: RustRu


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