New update in the game Rust: expanding the capabilities of the workbench

A number of items now require a level 2 workbench

The latest update to Rust has brought changes that allow players to expand their options when crafting and upgrading items. Now, certain items require a level 2 workbench to be crafted.

  • Metal loopholes

  • Glass window

  • Garage door

  • Remote control

  • RAND switch

  • Memory cell

  • Laser sensor

  • Resource Monitor

  • Smart Switch

  • Smart alarm

  • Tesla coil

  • Improved Horseshoe

  • Horse armor made from road signs

These changes add more depth and strategic thinking to the game, requiring players to invest more resources and time to achieve new opportunities and defend their base from enemies.

Players should take note of this update and start researching the various items and upgrades that are now only available at the second level of the workbench.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (1)

  1. Apivo
    shit, not renovation