Updated wounded state system in development
A revamped wound system is in development for Rust. In this article, we'll look at the key changes coming to the game, as well as discuss the potential impact these changes may have on gameplay and balance.
One of the main innovations will be the ability for wounded players to crawl. This action will help to survive dangerous situations and get to a safe place.
An important change is related to the use of first aid kits from quick access slots. If a large first aid kit was in the quick access slots at the time of receiving a wound, the player will be able to recover from 20 HP after some time. In this case, the first aid kit will be used and will disappear from the inventory, but the player will have to undergo additional treatment.
The old mechanic of using syringes to instantly heal and raise the player is also returning. If absolutely necessary, the player will be able to use the syringe on the right mouse button and instantly return to the fight. This mechanic was removed in 2016, but will now be available again.
It's important to note that these are just a few of the many changes that could make it into the final release of the update. The new wounded state system is still in development, and an exact release date is not yet known.
Stay tuned for more news and stay up to date with all the changes in the Rust game!
News provider: RustRu
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