The game recently released two hotfixes
The game recently released two hotfixes:
• The game has been migrated to Unity 2021.3.16f1
• Disabled Graphics Jobs for macOS build to try to fix crashes on that platform
• Incremental GC enabled for macOS build (experimental)
• Added data and statistics collection
The engine update will not give anything to players, except for a couple of possible bugs with graphics (opaque glass in cars and thick wires on power lines) - basically, this update is important only for the developers themselves.
Statistics collection will allow developers to collect statistics on completely different things that happen in the game - which weapons are used more or less often, which monuments are more popular or not, what is the performance of players, on what hardware, and many other data - to better understand the current balance of the game, optimization and player preferences in gameplay.
If you have graphics bugs after the update (or FPS dropped), go to the Rust settings in Steam and in the "Beta" tab, select the "unity2019" branch - this is the same version of the game, but on the previous version of the engine. Don't forget to leave it before the February update.
• The game has been migrated to Unity 2021.3.16f1
• Disabled Graphics Jobs for macOS build to try to fix crashes on that platform
• Incremental GC enabled for macOS build (experimental)
• Added data and statistics collection
The engine update will not give anything to players, except for a couple of possible bugs with graphics (opaque glass in cars and thick wires on power lines) - basically, this update is important only for the developers themselves.
Statistics collection will allow developers to collect statistics on completely different things that happen in the game - which weapons are used more or less often, which monuments are more popular or not, what is the performance of players, on what hardware, and many other data - to better understand the current balance of the game, optimization and player preferences in gameplay.
If you have graphics bugs after the update (or FPS dropped), go to the Rust settings in Steam and in the "Beta" tab, select the "unity2019" branch - this is the same version of the game, but on the previous version of the engine. Don't forget to leave it before the February update.
News provider: RustRu
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