News and interesting facts in the game Rust

In this article we will share with you some news and interesting facts about the popular game Rust.

:kv: Chinese New Year is coming to the world of Rust! The developers have decided to add a new rabbit mask to celebrate the holiday. This event will take place on January 22, which means we have only 13 days to prepare and enjoy the festive mood in the game.

:kv: :reddit: Future updates may bring new weapons to the world of Rust. The developers are considering adding a military SMG. Or they will replace one of the existing weapons with the popular UZI or SMG T3. This will give players more options and possibilities in the fight for survival.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (8)

  1. земляничка
    I'll add to my mask collection)
  2. 42 БРАТУХА
    Regarding the replacement of MP5, it's sad
  3. Keef
    Someone forgot that homemade weapons like the Berdanka need to be added to the Rust)
  4. .mirror.
    Они итак её поменяли когда изменили отдачу .
    Так что может это даже к лучшему.
  5. oleshaads
    Now cockerels will run with cockerels
  6. Launch Site
    Is it really mp5? They can change basically any gun
  7. земляничка
    The store will sell
  8. земляничка
    10 fabrics and wolf skull, how does the skin go