Memory Optimization in Rust: How to Improve Game Performance
Memory optimization
:dotred: Despite some safeguards in place, RAM usage can easily get out of control. Developers are constantly adding new, amazing content, and unfortunately, this increases our memory footprint. To support this rate of content expansion, memory usage needs to be low and stable, no matter how complex the world is. Until more aggressive and efficient streaming can be implemented, every now and then developers have to sit down and look at what they missed and make the necessary adjustments.
In this update, they've cut almost 3GB of memory in shader assets, as well as a few hundred MB in textures and meshes. It's a bit of a soft start in terms of textures and meshes, but they expect to cut memory usage by a few more gigabytes in the coming months.
- We really care about memory and performance, and we are actively working on it. This is just the first of many steps that will be aimed at improving not only memory usage, but also frame rates.
©Facepunch Studios
:dotred: Despite some safeguards in place, RAM usage can easily get out of control. Developers are constantly adding new, amazing content, and unfortunately, this increases our memory footprint. To support this rate of content expansion, memory usage needs to be low and stable, no matter how complex the world is. Until more aggressive and efficient streaming can be implemented, every now and then developers have to sit down and look at what they missed and make the necessary adjustments.
In this update, they've cut almost 3GB of memory in shader assets, as well as a few hundred MB in textures and meshes. It's a bit of a soft start in terms of textures and meshes, but they expect to cut memory usage by a few more gigabytes in the coming months.
- We really care about memory and performance, and we are actively working on it. This is just the first of many steps that will be aimed at improving not only memory usage, but also frame rates.
©Facepunch Studios
News provider: RustRu
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