HAB Armor, Attack Heli’s, and more!

HAB Armor, Attack Heli's, and more!

Armored hot air balloon.
With the addition of the Attack Helicopter, it looks like the Balloon will be getting an armor upgrade! There are no visuals yet as all work is being done in a separate branch, but overall it looks like there will be some changes coming to this type of air transport.

There's no word yet on whether this will be a completely new balloon or just additional armor that can be applied (like the horse armor). We'll post more details as soon as we have them.

Progress in creating an attack helicopter
As you may have seen, the Attack Helicopter was added to the staging tree last week. It is a highly maneuverable two-seater helicopter equipped with a gun turret (manual) and rocket launchers (shoots any missiles).

We are seeing progress this week.
Reduced speed and maneuverability of the attack helicopter
Reduced maximum fuel from 1000 to 500
The machine gunner's screen is now higher resolution and less blurry/dusty
CD for a salvo of missiles 8 seconds after launching 6 missiles (reload)
We will have full details about the Attack Helicopter closer to September.

In keeping with the above-described air theme, parachutes will apparently also appear in the near future.
We gave the parachutes their own protective properties, making them a little stronger
It takes 4 rifle shots to destroy the parachute, requires some improvements
Improved the transition from the parachute jump animation
Reduced the pickup time of an unpacked parachute to 8 sec (was 12 sec)
The exact timing of the parachutes' appearance is not yet known, but we will keep you updated as information becomes available.

Drift boats
Boats left in the deep water will soon return to land thanks to the new "Boat Drift" feature. In real time, it looks pretty simple: boats left unattended for a while will start drifting back to shore.

Backpack functionality is quickly taking shape in a separate "hack week" branch. There have been a lot of commits over the last couple of weeks, and it looks like this project will be one of the ones that was implemented during hack week and will be released into production in the future.
The test backpack adds an extra 24 slots, and it looks like players will soon be able to carry much more than the standard inventory size.

In particular, this week we saw work on:
The backpack is dropped if the player is injured (or killed)
Setting up the ability to move objects using the right mouse button
Clicking on the backpack in the inventory brings up the backpack inventory

Global network databases
Potentially a huge step up in optimization and quality of life, the "Global Network Bases" branch has been moved to the regular stage for testing. I'm not a game developer, but from what I understand, it changes the bases to prefabs (like trees and rocks) on the map, which allows them to render from a much greater distance than before (around 15 squares). This is still in testing, so don't be surprised if something changes. However, the fact that it is in normal testing, is a good sign that we may see her in the September update! As always, we'll keep you updated.

Work continues on the next building skin - Frontier skin
Work continues on F-15 flyby - looks like it will be dropping flares
The weapon rack reload menu must be held for the amount of time it takes to manually reload the selected weapon.
Testing the new reticle and materials for the 8x scope
Working on new FX rocket tracks
Work on a launcher for homing missiles
Added balloon name and icon to death screen when you get crushed by one
Initial work on a new type of transport - airplane

News provider: RustRu


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