Gameplay statistics

Gameplay statistics
This week, the new gameplay stats feature branch merged with the main game branch, now tracking a ton of player-related activity and server information. The developers will likely use these metrics to monitor and balance various metadata in the game. These metrics will be a great new tool for developers to use, and they may eventually have some interesting uses for communities as well.

This week, there was a special focus on adding tracking for things like keycard swipes, lockboxes, breaches, server tags, item drops, disappearances, and more.

This is a new way to add anti-cheats, adjust the game balance, add or remove game items. Expect global changes in a few updates and don't be surprised (although, no one is surprised by anything anymore!).

✅Other changes:

Show Steam nickname in command interface/nametags if set.
Working on some new world models (items, prefabs, textures).
Show HP bar (and text) on computer monitor when remotely controlling objects.
Move to the next/previous entry in the computer user interface using the arrow keys or mouse wheel.
Fixed TCs showing "Open" as the default option when in a private building but not logged in. Now if the car is locked and not yours, the "Open" text will not appear.
Prevent opening of turret inventory until authorized on turret.
Added support for custom high-resolution screenshot sizes in builds. New variable - Screenshot.HiResScreenshotCustomWidth. Set to 0 (default) to use the default high-resolution screenshot size, which is 4x the original resolution. Set to any other number to use that number (range between 128 and 16384).
Fixed an issue where anti-aliasing settings would not reset when taking normal resolution screenshots with transparency.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (2)

  1. DarkOwli
    The news is cool and interesting
  2. orechnik