Diving suit and optimization

Diving suit and optimization

:tochka:Progress in creating a diving suit
There's been a lot of commentary on the upcoming Diver suit this week. First revealed earlier this month, this branch of the Diver suit appears to be a new piece of underwater exploration gear. There are no renderings yet, but all signs point to some form of deep-sea suit with a metal helmet equipped with screens for vision.

According to reports, this diver suit will include a flashlight and even a matching assault rifle. No specifics have been revealed yet, as that's in a separate thread, but we'll keep you posted as more is revealed.

:tochka: Tugboat progress
We also see work on the newest watercraft for Rust, the tugboat. Models, textures, fuel flow/storage, and initial buoyancy physics are complete, and the team is continuing to work on the tugboat's interactions with water, volumes, lighting, and more. Still in a separate branch, no visuals or specific details yet.

:tochka: Water updates
It looks like the latest water integration (water5) has been merged into the Aux2 branch. This is a good indication that the functionality is close to completion and ready for internal testing. Unfortunately, Aux2 is not available to us mere mortals at the moment. You can see a video of what it will look like a few posts down.
The Global Network Databases branch is working on optimizing database rendering, which should ideally improve FPS and minimize lag. There are no specifics yet, as this is a separate branch, but it looks like the fundamentals of database rendering are being changed to make things easier on the GPU and make loading smoother. We'll keep you posted as this progresses.

<:toch:1036672422922960956 Work is underway on the settings of the scientists' AI
<:toch:1036672422922960956 Work is underway on the gun racks (at the moment these will be large horizontal and large vertical versions, as well as 3 wall-mounted options)
<:toch:1036672422922960956 Shader improvements
<:toch:1036672422922960956 Work on the bear animations is in progress

News provider: RustRu


Comments (3)

  1. GiGA
    finally there will be normal bears and normal optimization, hurray, hurray, hurray!!!
  2. orechnik
    There won't be any optimization
  3. orechnik
    database optimization will only save you on x10