Added the ability to log in to a tugboat in the game Rust
Welcome to the world of Rust, where every step can be crucial for your survival! The latest update to the Rust game has added a new and exciting feature - towed authorization, which is an analogue of a cabinet.
As before, you could only grant access to your possessions through cabinets. But now there is an alternative option - towed authorization. What does this mean and how does it work?
Tugboat authorization allows you to restrict access to your tugboat, which is used to transport and store your valuables. Now you can share tugboat access only with specific players you trust, and you no longer need to build cabinets for security.
This new feature is useful not only for preserving your property, but also for improving interaction with other players. You will be able to create groups and organize joint operations, trusting access to the tug only to members of your team.
However, as with any game, there are trade-offs. Authorization in tow may limit your freedom of action and require more careful planning. You will have to choose carefully who to trust and be prepared for the consequences if you make a mistake in choosing your allies.
In addition, tug authorization can lead to conflicts within the group if one of the players decides to change access to the tug or abuse their privileges. It is necessary to be attentive and keep an eye on what is happening in your team to avoid tense situations.
Overall, adding tow-based authorization is a major step forward for Rust. It gives players more flexibility and control over their assets while creating new challenges and opportunities in interacting with other players.
Be sure to update to the latest version of Rust to experience all the benefits of the new towable login feature!
News provider: RustRu
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