Added the ability to authorize friends in the closet
The update to the game Rust on Steam has brought a long-awaited innovation - now you can authorize your friends to access your closet.
This feature is useful for players who play in a team or share resources with other players. Previously, in order to share the contents of your closet with a friend, you had to give them your personal code combination, which could be inconvenient and lead to information leakage. Now, with the new friend authorization feature, you can safely allow them access to your closet using the in-game interface.
Sharing access is easy. In the cabinet menu, you will find a new option "Authorize a friend", where you need to select your Steam friends from the list and confirm the request. After that, your friend will be able to open and use the contents of your cabinet, as well as add or remove items as they see fit.
This update brings great comfort and convenience to the gameplay, and promotes cooperation and interaction between players. Now you can easily build together, store resources and exchange items with your friends, regardless of whether you are online or offline.
Don't forget to pay attention to your closet's privacy settings. You can adjust the level of access to your friends so that they only have access to certain sections of your closet or are fully authorized.
The update to the Rust game on Steam with the addition of the ability to authorize friends in the closet is a new step towards improving the gaming experience and interaction within the team.
News provider: RustRu
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