Information about Twitch Drops in Rust
As a reminder, tomorrow at 20:00 Twitch drop starts in the game Rust. This is a great opportunity to get 16 new skins, eight of which will be available through streamers. For several days, a special event will be held on Twitch, during which you can get these skins. To get drops from streamers, you will need to watch their broadcast for two hours. Additionally, two drops will be available on the official Twitch Rivals channel, which will require three hours of viewing. To get two drops from DisguisedToast, you will need to watch his broadcast for four hours.
But it's not just streamers that offer the chance to earn drops. There will also be six general drops available for you to earn by watching any streamer's broadcasts. This means you can pick your favorite streamer and have a chance to earn these rewards.
Don't miss your chance to get these rare skins in Rust! Don't forget to join the Twitch Marathon tomorrow at 20:00 and get your rewards!
News provider: RustRu
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