Updates from the Fields

Updates from the field:
⭐A global AI update is planned for the December update. NPCs and animals will behave a little more intelligently))
⭐Work is actively underway on a snowmobile and an Arctic base. According to some reports, the snowmobile will be a calling card of Arctic bases, like the MLRS in a military base in the desert.
⭐As previously written, the coefficient of obtaining resources on a large excavator has been increased. The RT itself with a large excavator is also being corrected.
⭐After 2 years, Facepunch plans to clear the list of all recipes (global wipe) on all official servers. Everyone will have a completely clean game.
Rustafied team raised $190,000 for the "Preemptive Love" charity program! Well done!
⭐Hapis is still being edited, you have not been forgotten. They want to create another masterpiece.

⚡Now for minor edits:
The underwater mask no longer hides any effects, all weather conditions, fog, etc. will be visible through it.
✅Improved the clarity and sharpness of the in-game item store for players with low resolution and low quality settings.
‍When tracking a player in first person (admin mode), if the character is sleeping or dead, the observer will be shown a "death screen"
All modular vehicles will no longer need to be refueled.
The snowmobile will be able to carry one passenger.
The snowmobile's base will be increased a little, since with a small base it shook a little while moving.
Minor corrections to the coastline. More correct display of water
Fish will become more expensive to sell for scrap metal.
MP5 drop chance from scientists reduced
⚙Character interaction elements will be hidden when using the main menu navigation.
⚙Fixed mission UI turning on when first opened and requiring double click to close
Metal fragments are no longer required to make work tables
⚒The Watchtower was made cheaper and its "health" was reduced

News provider: RustRu


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