Sunday GDC - Game Developers Conference

GDC Week - Game Developers Conference (GDC; translated from English - "game developers conference")

☢Nuclear missile bunker
More work this week on the newest RT in Rust's AUX2 branch. Still not publicly available, the Nuclear Missile Silo is expected to be a mostly underground RT with barrels and crates, NPCs, and a radiation zone.

It’s also interesting that Alistair mentioned on Reddit that “This RT will add some meaning to the events unfolding on the island.” It’s unclear when it will be ready for prime time. Will it be available with the April 6 update? We’ll keep you posted as more is revealed.

⚙More about AUX2
Also on the AUX2 branch are two-seater saddles on horses and various improvements to the in-game map and positioning! There will be the ability to make markers on the terrain and map for your friends and clanmates. As with the nuclear missile silo, it is not yet clear when these features will appear in the game.

Auto-wearing of clothes
New feature in the Quality of Life section! Simply hold Alt-L while right-clicking or hovering over loot from a resource crate to immediately equip clothing items (if they can be worn without removing anything else).

Additionally, if you hold alt-l and right-click or hover over loot from your main or clothing inventory, it will behave as if you opened a loot container (eg. it will immediately equip the clothing without dragging).

New world models and textures are coming
New assets and textures are coming! If you're not familiar, world meshes refer to the object that falls to the ground when the player drops something. If there is no "world mesh" for an object, we see "old burlap sacks" on the ground. We'll soon see less hassle when dropping different types of ammo, high-speed missiles, and PTZ cameras.

Team UI and name tags will use Steam nicknames instead of Steam names/streamer names if you are friends with a player. Added 'usesteamnicknames' variable to revert to previous behavior.
Backpack values ​​have been changed to default.
Some camera fixes
More work on ferry terminals
Fixed an issue with the excavator if bases were built too close to the excavator.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (2)

  1. orechnik