Some of the new features expected in Rust this year

This year, Rust players can expect some interesting changes and additions. Let's take a look at some of them:

  • Gun racks - new possibilities for storing and organizing weapons.

  • Emoji in chat is a new way to express emotions and communicate with other players.

  • Controlled drones and turrets - introduction of automatic defense and additional opportunities for players.

  • Pets are a new element of survival and companions for players.

  • New DLCs including skins for building blocks - more options for customization and base decoration.

  • Industrial conveyor - new ways of automation and production of resources.

  • Procedural caves - exciting adventures and new opportunities for exploration.

  • New monuments, including a ferry terminal - new locations and travel between servers.

  • Water (sea) update - more realistic and improved graphic effects.

  • New weapons and items - more options for fighting and building.

These changes promise to make the gameplay even more interesting and diverse for all fans of the game Rust. All you need to do is wait for the release of the update and enjoy the new features.

News provider: RustRu


Comments (12)

  1. земляничка
    a very necessary thing
  2. земляничка
    I'm looking forward to it
  3. oleshaads
    Who will say after this that the game is being killed?
  4. oleshaads
    Rust will be a dream come true, especially after the controlled turrets
  5. oleshaads
    I hope there won't be a drone with weapons and it will fly and kill.
  6. orechnik
    I want a house with grass camouflage
  7. orechnik
    place turrets in the bushes like this
  8. oleshaads
    I think doing it for a donation is too much