Hapis update is already on the test branch
Hapis update is already on the test branch
Recently, the developers of the game Rust released an update for the Hapis map to the test branch. Last year, this map lost its relevance and was considered for removal from the game. However, in late 2020, one of the developers took responsibility for Hapis and decided to clean it up.
As a result of the update, the Hapis map received new roads, fishing villages, updated routes and underground tunnels for cars. Also, some errors were fixed. Attention was also paid to the winter region of Hapis - roads were updated, changes were made to the landscape near the cosmodrome, and icy lakes were added that can be used for construction.
The Hapis update will be available to all players on February 4 at 22:00 Moscow time. The map itself has become more interesting and diverse thanks to these changes. Join the game Rust and try out all the new features that the Hapis update offers!
News provider: RustRu
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