New Twitch Drops Skins in Rust

The Twitch Drops website has been updated! We now know which skins will be available — 23 in total. Watchers of certain streamers will be able to get 18 of them, and the remaining 5 will be part of the general drops. Details on the skins that streamers will receive will be announced closer to the event.

The Twitch Drops event will run from May 16th at 9:00 PM to May 20th at 9:00 PM. During this time, players will be able to earn these valuable skins simply by watching their favorite streamers play. Get ready, because the chances of getting new skins in Rust have never been higher!

News provider: RustRu


Comments (7)

  1. orechnik
    fig skins
  2. orechnik
    you watch several streams at once and that's it
  3. orechnik
    1 frame per second without sound turn on
  4. orechnik
    and does not burden
  5. Mr.Don-PadLo
    At least 10 will count