New skin - Frog Wellingtons!

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A new skin has appeared in the game Rust - Frog Wellingtons!

Now you can purchase this unique skin for your boots in the game. Frog Wellingtons will add a unique look to your character, make him stand out in the crowd and emphasize your individuality.

To get the Frog Wellingtons, you need to purchase the Wellipets boots, which cost £150 (approximately 18,000 rubles). This skin gives you the ability to turn your regular boots into stylish and colorful Frog Wellingtons.

Link to purchase boots and Frog Wellingtons skin is available in the comments to the post. Hurry, quantity is limited!

News provider: RustRu


Comments (11)

  1. земляничка
  2. dziwka
    Have they completely gone crazy?
  3. dziwka
    But okay, I'm buying it.
  4. green_tip
    You probably won't be able to, they only deliver to the UK
  5. 42 БРАТУХА
    Damn, they know how to take my money..
  6. Ashley