Server Rules PROSTOJ #5 [X10]

The rules are mandatory for all players, and their compliance is monitored by the Server Administration.
The punishment for violating the rules is determined by the project administration, depending on the violation, up to a complete ban of the player without the possibility of amnesty.
A warning is issued only once and forever

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties
    1. The administration reserves the right to make any changes on the server without prior notice to players.
    2. Ignorance of the rules does not exempt you from responsibility for violating them. By playing on the server, you automatically agree to the rules.
    3. All players must independently monitor changes to the rules.
    4. The administration has the right at any time, without giving reasons, to stop providing access to the server to a specific user or a subnetwork as a whole.
    5. The administration is not obliged to return items, accounts, characters or their parameters lost by players for any possible reason.
    6. The account owner is responsible, regardless of who performed the actions under this account.
    7. All players are responsible for monitoring the absence of prohibited software themselves.
    8. Decisions and punishments from the administration are the final point in disputes and proceedings; further discussions of decisions may be deleted, and participants may be blocked from the chat.
    9. The administration does not interfere with the gameplay. The exception is those moments that, in the opinion of the administration, require intervention.
    10. All donations to the server store cannot be returned or exchanged; replenishing the balance is a purely personal desire of each player. Services or sets do not disappear during a wipe, and after activation they last exactly as long as is written in the description of this service or set.
    11. The administration does not restore items in the event of a murder, bug, rollback, wipe, cheating, etc.
    12. The administration does not play on the server, does not issue/take resources.
  2. Rules for players
    1. Cheats | macros on the computer or purchasing them in the last year = ban. We don't care whether you use them or not. [ban]
    2. Clan leaders undertake to check clan members for cheats, otherwise the entire clan may be banned. [ban]
    3. Any assistance to cheaters and playing with them, bug users and those who bypassed the ban are prohibited. [ban 14d]
    4. It is forbidden to use/disclose bugs! [mute \ ban 3d]
    5. It is prohibited to buy or order cheaters [ban]
    6. It is forbidden to play with us if you have a current ban on other projects for unfair play [ban]
    7. It is prohibited to insult or mention relatives in any way. [mute]
    8. It is prohibited to incite ethnic hatred and introduce political disputes [mute]
    9. It is prohibited to sell/buy things for real money from players! [ban 3d]
    10. It is prohibited to use admin nicknames! [warning \ ban 7d]
    11. It is forbidden to mislead players by posing as the administration. [mute \ ban]
    12. Insulting the administration of the project and the server is prohibited. [mute \ ban]
    13. Quitting the game during verification without admin approval may be your biggest mistake. Turning off Discord during verification falls under the same clause. [ban]
    14. Stream sniping of official media of the project is prohibited - the use of game information that was obtained from the broadcast of another player or the targeted pursuit of the player broadcasting. [kick \ ban]
    15. Bullying of individuals and targeted harassment are prohibited | stalking the player's identity and public disclosure of personal data [mute 7d \ ban 7d]
    16. It is forbidden to purposefully abuse top players for profit. (agreement between several players to get kills and deaths, getting deaths on guntraps, turrets, etc., extinguishing firefighters with water, etc.) AFK, killing bots, farming animals - will not abuse [cancellation of statistics]
    17. All checks are done through AnyDesk and Discord, refusal will be considered as refusal of verification [ban]
    18. It is forbidden to put the same nicknames, due to confusion among players [at the discretion of the administration]
  3. Server commands
    1. /report - Send a report to a player
    2. /time - Server time
    3. /pop - Online on the server
    4. /wipe - Information about wipe
    5. /store - Open shopping cart
    6. /sil URL_IMAGE - Upload your image to a photo frame